The Black Jetts " Right On Sounds" Cd
The Black Jetts " Right On Sounds" Cd:
The Black Jetts remind me of Phish: Their recordings are but teasers to the live show. Relax -- that's where the likenesses to the defunct jam band end. But if the comparison is true, the quartet's new album, Sever the Serpent's Head Before It Strikes, is already a letdown. Well, not really. The Jetts offer another slab of rock 'n' roll goodness using the same template as albums previous, which is the same template they've always used: classic Brit rock and early garage punk with an old R&B twist. That R&B distinction is an important one, it separates the Jetts from the rawk squawkers that are all riff and no hip. Furthermore, it's the subtle touches that elevate the record above its raucous melodies -- the organ in "I'd Sooner Slit My Wrists," the ethereal backing vocals (credited to "Chastity") in the wonderfully sprawling "Brothers & Sisters," where the Jetts unleash a mighty jam.